Go to the AllisonHouse website
1.) Log In with your AllisonHouse username & password.
Click On 'Maps'
1.) Click on 'Maps' in the left menu on your Customer Dashboard.
2.) Once you get your Customizations where you want them, click 'Proceed To Maps'
Once Maps is open is should appear like above.
1. Data Overlay Menu
2. Various Tools
**Tip: Live radar data is located under MRMS>>Radar**
Viewing Data Overlays
Start by selecting which Model or Real-Time feed you would to view. (For this example we will be using the NAM model)
Once you have your overlays selected, you can bring overlays to the "top" by selecting it in the bottom-left. In this example, 1-km Reflectivity is the "top" overlay.
Forecast HUD
1. Use the slider to move through different hours on the run.
2. Use < > to either go backward or forward. You can always animate the run by hitting the play button. Once you are animating the play button will become a stop button.
3. Run Switcher.
4. What model & products you are viewing.
Very Nice!