
(GRE) Adding Voice Alerts

Adding Alerts


Along the Main Menu select "View"

In the drop down box select "Alert Manager..."

A pop up box should appear and select "Add"


Upon clicking "Add" it should pull up the Windows Explorer for you. 

Select: Local Disk (C:) < Program Files (x86) 


Find the GRLevelx folder and select it.


Depending on how many GibsonRidge programs you own there will be folders for each. Since we are in GRearth proceed in selecting the GRearth folder. 


Select "alert_examples"



Find and select the alert you would like to use. For this example we will be using the Tornado Alert. 


Once you have the alerts you want, select "Enable Alerts" under settings and click "Close".

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    James Stroika

    Great tutorial....but no examples given of what exactly an "alert" is.

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    Greg Stough

    Yes James, I thought so too. I've added some of them just to see what happens. It would also be nice if there was a brief description of how to set custom alerts too. I believe there is a file to do it, but no instructions on what to do. I believe it's basically entering some simple code, but not sure. I'd love to experiment with it.


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    Permanently deleted user

    James & Greg,

    I do apologize for the confusion! I changed the title to 'Adding Voice Alerts'. For instance: If you add the Nationwide Tornado Warning Alert to GRE, every time there is a tornado warning issued in the US you will get an alert. They usually start with a beep of some kind and then they will list of the county and cities that could potentially be impacted. You can even change this to only include a specific County instead of the whole Country by following these steps: 

    -Select Computer in Windows>>>Local Disk(C:)>>>Program Files(x86)>>>GRLevelx>>>GRearth>>>Alert Examples.

    -Select the alert you want to customize>>>alert_svr_nationwide>>>Change Name to the State(s) you're alerting for>>>Under Name put State: SS for a state or County: SSCNN so that state abbreviation goes before the County name.

    (Example Only)


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    James Stroika


    How would I program TOR warnings for an entire state ?


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    david shiverdecker

    I have not tested this but this is what i think would work for an exaple of state wide tor for ohio.  



    ; Alert file for Ohio TOR


    AlertType: TOR

    Name: Ohio tornado warning

    Priority: 10

    State: OH

    ActionPlayFile: powercall.wav

    ActionSpeak: {for text}. {until text}. {basis text}. {near text}

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    James Stroika

    Thanks David, I'll give it a try.   I wonder what the PRIORITY: # is for and what it means?


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    david shiverdecker

    Priority is the order the alerts will show up in the alert manager and maybe if two go off at once how the program decides to play one alert 1st.  

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    James Stroika

    Thanks again David. This is what I came up with

    Hope it works..I did get an error message before it loaded.

    ; Alert file for Wisconsin TOR

    AlertType: TOR

    Name: Wisconsin TOR Alert

    Priority: 1

    State: WI
    ActionPlayFile: powercall.wav

    ActionSpeak: {counties}.

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    James Stroika

    I am getting an error message: WARNING ACTION PLAY FILE DOES NOT EXSIST.

    I moved the powercall.wave file to my alerts file, I don't get the error message anymore.

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    Heath Schroeder


    You have to actually put where the file is located in your system. For example

    ActionPlayFile: C:\Program Files\GRLevelx\Tones\powercall.wav   (Where that file is located).

    ActionSpeak: {for text]    "That will then speak what counties the warning is for."

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    James Stroika


    Got it.. thanks!   Works great!


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    Katherine Brock

    Can someone explain why sometimes it  reads the  local storm report and  at other times it don't?

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    Katherine Brock

    never mind its working now

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    Katherine Brock

    Its  odd that it  voices some but not all

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    Katherine Brock

    I fugured it out. It only voices some of the reports

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    Katherine Brock

    I fugured it out. It only voices some of the reports

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    Robert Ritter

    What do you do if you want multiple counties to a TOR string? How would you write that?

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