You need to purchase RadarScope from the App Store before you attempt to integrate.
**Some devices may vary slightly on button locations. For this example we will be using a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 - 10.1**
Open the RadarScope application
Open the application on your device. Then click the settings icon in the lower, right side of the display.
Sign in to your AllisonHouse account
Tap AllisonHouse to be taken to the sign in screen.
Enter your AllisonHouse email address and password then select "Sign In"
Visit Forgot Password (new window) if you do not remember this information.
Once signed in, the application should show your email address next to "Registered As".
If you received a "403 - Forbidden" error during your sign in, either incorrect
credentials were entered or your account does not have an active AllisonHouse subscription.
Complete the AllisonHouse data integration
Under the "Options " tab AllisonHouse should be displayed next to Radar Data and Storm Tracks.
If this is not the case, tap each and choose AllisonHouse to complete the integration.
Note: You can still view AllisonHouse data feeds if you're using WDT or NOAA as the radar data provider.
Your Layers tab should now appear similar to above. Choose from a variety of
AllisonHouse data, including Lightning, Storm Reports, SPC outlooks, MCDs, and Watches.