
(RS) Working with RadarScope Menus (Mac)

Some of RadarScope’s commands can be easily accessed from the Mac menubar. There are two menus that RadarScope users should especially know about: the View menu and the Favorites menu.


Zoom In-Allows one to zoom the RadarScope map into a closer viewing area.

Zoom Out-Allows one to zoom the RadarScope map out to a wider viewing area.

If one has a Mac notebook with a multi-touch trackpad or has a Magic Trackpad with their Mac, one can use two fingers to “pinch” to zoom in and out.

Show/Hide Radar Buttons-Allows one to choose a radar from a Radar Site (same as clicking on Radars at the bottom of the screen).

Show/Hide Info-Shows or hides the Info Panel (same as clicking on Info at the bottom of the screen).

Base Reflectivity, Base Velocity, Storm Relative Velocity-Changes the radar “product” to one of the three most frequently-used radar “products” (more accessible from the “products” menu at the bottom of the screen).

Tilt Up, Tilt Down-Changes the radar “product” to allow one to see various tilts (layers) of a radar “product” image.

Play, Previous Frame, Next Frame-Controls the Loop Controller to loop (animate) radar images (same as clicking the Play, Prev, Next buttons at the bottom of the screen).


One can use the Favorites menu to add/remove frequently used Radar Sites to this menu for one-click easy access to switch between multiple Radar Sites.

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