Login to AllisonHouse
Log in using your AllisonHouse username/password.
Go to Gibson Ridge Integration Section
Click on 'Gibson Ridge' in the left menu on your Customer Dashboard.
Select "ENTLN Local Lightning" under the "Lightning" section.
Customize Your Settings
1. Check 'Count All Stokes' if your want to see both Cloud-To-Cloud and Cloud-To-Ground strokes. Uncheck the box is you want to see Cloud-To-Ground strokes ONLY. You can also see how many strokes are being shown at the radar site you have selected. Just check 'Show Strike Count In Feed Title' and it will appear next to the placefile name in the Placefile Manager.
2. Customize an Alert Ring if you would like to have one.
Customize Your Icons
1. Customize the way you want your strikes to appear. (Size = Time and Color = Intensity)
2. Choose from one of our default icon sheets.
3. If you do not want to use one of our defaults, you can even load your own lighting icon sheet in!
If you do not want to use one of our defaults, you can even load your own lighting icon sheet in! (How is this done?) because these icons are old
To add your own lightning icon sheet, just save the icon sheet on your computer and paste the location of where its located into the box provided. (e.g. C:\Program Files\GRLevelX\GRLevel3\lsr.png)
Shoot our support team an email if you have any other questions or issues getting your icon sheet to appear.
I've googled for placefiles for lightning all over the place and can't find any that still exist. Are there any still around?
I recently downloaded GRlevel3 and would like to see lightning... how do I connect my Allison house to the program?