
(GR2AE) Introduction to the Volume Explorer

When using the volume explorer be sure to have the correct storm motion vector entered into the program as this will impact the rendered image. The program will shift the upper levels of the volume depending on speed and direction to account for the movement of a storm while the radar scans the upper tilts of a volume. This will better show the true shape of the storm.

Click on the volume mouse button on the control bar


From here you will be able to use your mouse to draw an area to be sampled. Left click on the center of the area you wish to sample and drag the cursor outward to produce the actual area to be sampled. You may want to zoom in on an area first to better visualize the area being sampled. Simply release the left mouse button to allow the Volume Explorer window to appear.


Once the Volume Explorer window opens, you can left click and drag the cursor to view the desired angle of viewing. To zoom in or out on the sampled area, use your scroll wheel on your mouse or use the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons on a keyboard. The A, S, W, and D keys also move the display area from side to side and up or down.
1. The yellow line on the height scale indicates the freezing level (0⁰C)
2. The red line indicates the -20⁰C level.


You can:
1. save images
2. refresh the image
3. change volume settings

4. The main feature of the Volume Explorer is the ability to choose which levels of radar data you wish to view and their transparency. To do this, click on the Volume Alpha Settings button on the top menu.


The white line indicates the transparency for each data level. To change the transparency level, left click and drag the line to the desired level. The higher you drag the line, the higher the transparency level. A level at the very top of the window is 100%.


The side control panel of the Volume Explorer window allows you to choose between four of the standard level 2 base products available (base reflectivity, base velocity, storm relative velocity, and spectrum width). The rotation product is the algorithm built into the GR2AE program to display areas of rotation. Generally values greater than +1 are strong. You can also select between the lit volume (viewing multiple levels at once) and isosurface (viewing only one level as selected by the small arrow on the bottom of the Volume Alpha window)

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    Janzen Purvis

    Tyler, you put "(GRE)" instead of (GR2AE).

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